Thursday, 30 September 2010

I'm Psychic, Me

Way, way back in the dim distant days of 2008 when this blog was a mere infant, I blogged about The Africa Reich by Guy Saville and said that it was going to be mega.

Now adopting an 'I told you so' tone of voice, I can reveal that Guy got a two book deal with Hodder and Stoughton and The Africa Reich, complete with spanking new cover (draft below), will be published in 2011. Now the lucky sod is off to Madagascar to do some research for Book 2. Research, hah! A likely story.

For my next trick, I'll tell you next week's lottery numbers, who really shot JFK, and what you'll get from Santa.

Friday, 24 September 2010

Some Friday Music

And yes, I keep promising to update but so much is happening I'm falling way behind the curve in all things writing. All will change but in the meantime here's a superb piece of music to keep you going.

I'm no Eagles fan but I think this is a really evocative piece and so unlike most anything else they've ever done

and yes, I'm also aware of the somewhat brilliant, cheap and cheerful version the BBC Radiophonics Workshop did for the TV adaptation of Hitchhikers all those years here's that too (and a bit more of the TV series for good measure).