Tuesday, 4 September 2012
Reading Away the Days
I'll be interviewed on the site on September 12th and I'll be answering questions, among others, on Harry Pigg, my own influences and encouraging kids to read. Promises to be good fun so drop in and say hello.
Saturday, 1 September 2012
A Nice Write Up
Apologies for quality of the scan; I suspect the scanner bed needs a good clean.
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
We came, we saw, we launched.
A huge crowd struggles to stay awake |
After some avant-garde experimentation with microphone feedback, I took the opportunity to thank everyone, slagged off the Leinster and Manchester United supporters in the crowd, accused my youngest son of cheating in FIFA 12 (how else can he consistently beat me?) and signed loads of books before retiring to licensed premises to watch Germany/Italy.
O'Mahony's Bookshop put on a great show (wine, snacks and professionalism) and there were loads of pig-shaped sweeties.
All in all, a great evening. Thanks to everyone who showed up.
And you said he couldn't do joined-up writing! |
Monday, 18 June 2012
Harry Pigg is Launching
As we've never had a formal launch of the earlier books, we thought it'd be a good idea to mark the occasion of the release of the third book with 'a bit of a do'.
Sooooo, Thursday 28th June, O'Mahony's Bookshop in Limerick are hosting the launch. It's at 6 pm so if anyone is in the vicinity, do drop in and say hello. You'll be more than welcome.
I'll be the guy cowering in the corner, plaintively squeaking 'buy my book, please'.
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Composite Covers
Don't they play well together?
I liked it then I still like it now, so there! #2
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Review: Brothers to the Death by Darren Shan
Without giving too much away, the story itself encompasses the latter half of the 20th Century, particularly World War II. When the Nazis seek an alliance with the Vampires, it's Crepsley's outburst that ultimately determines the Vampires' decision - a decision that will have huge repercussions for the main character and drives the events of the latter half of the book.
Complex family relationships are explored, questions raised in earlier books (and series) are adroitly answered and familiar characters appear (and in some cases have their origins explained) and there's a neat twist towards the end that I never saw coming (and I'm usually good at spotting them!).
One of the things I've always felt that Shan does well is his endings and this one is no exception. Avoiding pathos he skillfully wraps up a big story with a small set-piece that is not only moving but brings the saga full circle, tying it in very neatly with the original Chronicles of Darren Shan. Regular readers will end the book with a smile on their faces.
Overall, this has been a series to savour. Full of great characters, a centuries-encompassing storyline and a truly memorable conclusion, the Saga of Larten Crepsley is a worthy addition to the ranks of great horror series for younger readers.
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
The Sequelmeter
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: No. Very underwhelmed by this one. Cannot see what the fuss is all about. Derivative, predictable and dull. Does have a strong main character though. Absolutely no urge to read any more in this series.
The Fury by Alexander Gordon Smith: Yes. A novel take on the zombie story with exciting set-pieces and some really good ideas. Pity I'll have to wait a while for the next one.
Gone by Michael Grant: Definitely yes. Four volumes in and it shows no sign of flagging. A simple idea developed into a very meaty series.
The Enemy by Charlie Higson: Definitely yes. Another twist on the zombie trope where some of the infected have limited intelligence so present more of a threat than the usual shambling brain-seeking mob.
The Dreaming Void by Peter Hamilton: Maybe. I'm a Hamilton fan but 300 pages in and I'm still not sure where this one is going. I'll read on and see what happens.
The Equivoque Principle by Darren Craske: Yes. A belting old-fashioned thriller set in Victorian England and beyond. Great story-telling, great characters and great fun.
The Afrika Reich by Guy Saville: Definitely yes. Possibly the best thriller I read in 2011. Cannot wait for volume 2.
The Istanbul Code by Laurence O'Bryan: Maybe. Enjoyed the book, just not sure I want to read more.
The Left Hand of God by Paul Hoffman: No. Dull fantasy with a middle section where nothing happened and took ages to do so.
Night of Knives by Ian C Esselmont: No. His first foray into the Malazan world is competent but not a patch on his buddy Steven Erikson.
Off Armageddon Reef by David Weber: No. The first fifty pages promised so much; the next five-hundred failed to deliver.
Son of Heaven by David Wingrove: Yes, although this is a rewrite and expansion of his massive Chung Kuo saga, which I'd read quite a few years back, so I know what to expect.
Monday, 19 March 2012
The End is Nigh (well, one of them at any rate)
Her latest book, 99 Reasons Why, is, however, a book with a difference: it is only being published as an e-book and comes with 9 different endings which readers can navigate using multiple choice questions on their Kindle or via a spinning story wheel on their iPad or iPhone.

So what, I hear you say. Well, there are also two more endings: One will be handwritten by Caroline and auctioned for charity, the other is being shared across the web on a number of blogs - one of which is mine.
It's certainly a neat way of promoting the book and hey, if you don't like the ending below, well there are 9 others to choose from. The book is available for both Kindle and iPhone/iPad (via iTunes).
So, roll of drums and trumpet fanfare, I give to you 99 Reasons Why - the Ending!
99: the reason why I was only worth ninety-nine quid
It’s been six days since the little girl in the pink coat went missing and me Uncle Phil’s in me bedroom.
We’ve been watching the little girl in the pink coat’s mam on the news. She was appealing to the public for witnesses.
‘Didn’t realise she had a mam,’ I says, looking at me telly.
‘Everyone’s got a mam, pet,’ me Uncle Phil says to me.
‘She sold her story to The Sun,’ I says, looking at me telly.
‘Got a few quid,’ me Uncle Phil says to me.
I nod.
‘She wanted nowt to do with that bairn before all this,’ me Uncle Phil says, looking at me telly.
‘Do you know where she is?’ I asks me Uncle Phil.
‘Belle?’ me Uncle Phil asks me.
I nod.
‘She’s safe,’ me Uncle Phil says to me. ‘Your mam’s keeping an eye on her.’
‘Can I be her mam?’ I asks me Uncle Phil.
‘No, pet, you’re a filthy whore,’ me Uncle Phil says to me.
I nod.
‘Can you make Andy Douglas come back, Uncle Phil?’ I asks me Uncle Phil.
Me Uncle Phil shakes his head.
‘I love him,’ I tell me Uncle Phil.
‘Andy Douglas is your brother, pet. You didn’t seriously think Princess Di was your mam, did you?’ me Uncle Phil asks me.
I nod.
‘You’re a cradle snatcher just like your mam,’ me Uncle Phil says to me.
I nod.
‘Your mam miscarried when she found out I’d been banging Betty Douglas. Betty was expecting you,’ me Uncle Phil says to me.
I don’t speak.
‘When you was born, your mam went mad and I ended up buying you from Betty Douglas for ninety-nine quid,’ me Uncle Phil says.
‘Ninety-nine quid?’ I asks me Uncle Phil.
‘I paid a hundred but got a quid change for some chips for your mam and dad’s tea,’ me Uncle Phil says to me.
‘You bought me?’ I asks me Uncle Phil.
I’m a little bit sick in me mouth.
‘It was the right thing to do,’ me Uncle Phil says to me. ‘I got Betty Douglas pregnant straight away with Andy.’
‘I’m pregnant,’ I says to me Uncle Phil. ‘I’m pregnant with me brother’s baby,’ I says, and then I throws up on me purple carpet.
‘You’re a filthy whore,’ me Uncle Phil says to me.
‘What am I going to do?’ I asks me Uncle Phil.
‘You’re going to have the baby,’ me Uncle Phil says to me.
‘Have me brother’s baby?’ I asks me Uncle Phil.
‘Then I’m giving it to Betty Douglas to bring up,’ me Uncle Phil says to me.
‘You what?’ I says to me Uncle Phil.
‘It’s the right thing to do,’ me Uncle Phil says to me.
‘I can’t—’ I says to me Uncle Phil.
‘It’s either that or I’ll make you disappear,’ me Uncle Phil says to me.
I don’t speak.
I’m thinking, they’re all a bunch of nutters.
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Cover Me
Monday, 20 February 2012
A Visit from Cornelius Quaint
For the initiated, the Cornelius Quaint series began way back in 2008 and follows the adventures of Victorian conjuror and his troupe of circus performers. Getting himself into trouble is a by-product of Quaint’s inability to leave matters alone, even when his clairvoyant confidante Madame Destine warns him against it. Thankfully, getting himself back out of trouble is a talent that Quaint excels at.
In the first book in the series, ‘The Equivoque Principle’, Cornelius Quaint faces deceit and discord at every turn as he attempts to clear the name of his circus strongman, wrongfully imprisoned for murder, and accidently stumbles into a plot by the villainous Hades Consortium. In the sequel, ‘The Eleventh Plague’, Quaint heads to Egypt where he faces a vicious band of desert thieves, deceit and betrayal, and phantoms of the past rise from the grave. We barely pause for breath before ‘The Lazarus Curse’, the penultimate chapter in the first series arc, before the final part of the story ‘The Romulus Equation’ is released next year.
To celebrate the release of The Lazarus Curse, a new and exclusive Cornelius Quaint short story begins on February 20th on the conjuror’s brand new blog at:
and to coincide with the release there will also be weekly competitions to win free ebooks by deciphering a simple code.
To learn more about how to join in and help spread the word, please visit Quaint’s Facebook page at:
Sunday, 19 February 2012
Quick Update from the Land of the Living
I've received the cover for The Curds and Whey Mystery and it's a belter. I'll post it for your delight and delectation over the next few days.
I'm just finishing going through first proofs of the book. Only a few minor tweaks so looking good.

Publication is still May. I don't have an actual date yet but should have shortly.
Also, tomorrow the blog will be hijacked by Darren Craske, author of the spiffing Cornelius Quaint Chronicles. The latest book in the series, The Lazarus Curse, is being released and he wants to tell all about it. Do drop by and say hello. He's a reasonable guy and doesn't bite - at least not on Mondays.